Sunday, February 21, 2016

a Certificate for students who are "social media advisors."

Social Media
Assistant  (CSMA)
1.  You are certified to listen closely to people who want to improve their activity on the Internet.  Two ears, one mouth. Listen more than talk.  What does the client want?

2.  You know something about Instagram and Facebook.  You can share information about how to set up an account and post photos.

3.  You can let the client know that "it's possible to have a free website.  I know someone who can make a free website for you."  That is the core of the program.  Help others know something about what you know about.  If you run a business, you are offering a service to improve someone's life.  Yes, your business makes sense when it makes you money.  But the purpose of business is to serve the customer.  If the service is genuine and if your service helps people, then money often follows.  

4.  The focus of this program is to give teenagers a feeling of confidence about what they already know.  The certificate lets other people know that you have some training.   But more important, you have 

5.  The certificate tells you that you have experience.  It's your choice about how to use the information that you have learned. You can choose to share that experience to improve the lives of others.  
6. The Certificate for Social Media Assistants (CSMA) might be confused with other certificate programs.  The training starts with a hands-on sesstion with the teacher, who shows you how Facebook and Instagram can be linked to a free website (along with other pieces of social media.)

How to use this certificate

You are certified as a Social Media Assistant

You can also call yourself a Social Media Advisor, if you like that title better.

Background information (why did we create the Social Media Assistant program?)

Teenagers often know more about how to use
Put three teens in a room with a business owner and the business person will leave with new ideas about how to use social media to explain, describe and promote her products and services.

How can teachers build the confidence of teenagers?  How can teachersguide students to discover the "expert" inside themselves?  

Malcolm Gladwell described the process of "doing something for 10,000 hours" as a route to becoming expert at something.  We teachers certainly learn ow to find synonyms for "change" and how to find factors of 72

I'm a math teacher, so I naturally like it when we can use some math in an article...

2 x
3 x
4 x
6 x
8 x

There are so many ways to make 72....

Then look at 12 x 12
Look at the combinations!

2 x
3 x
4 x
6 x
8 x
9 x
12 x 12


Teachers get good at finding synonyms...    but do students need to be instantly good at this skill, too?
change as a verb
change as a thing
a change agent (now change is an adjective?)

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